Thursday, October 15, 2009

Super Strength?

Ok, Krazy great! But here's the thing about this ad, there's no way this guy can support his own weight by squeezing his arms on a hat...while smiling?
I bet he can't even do one pull up! LOL!
Just had to say something about this,
always thought it was a dumb ad.
Bottom Line: Who cares...glue stuff.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hand scooped? Who cares?

Hand scooped ice that really a selling point? Ooh, someone scooped it by hand...
Does it really matter how it's scooped it as long as it tastes good. I'd rather it say Hand-Made or Home-Made or something about how it was made, rather than how it's put into a container.

Bottom line: Just serve good ice cream, doesn't matter how it's scooped.

Lovin' it?

McDonalds McCafe, great idea. The first time I had a medium iced coffee, regular flavor at McDonalds, I loved it. I was instantly hooked. Then I went to another McDonalds and ordered the same thing, not so good the 2nd time. Even worse the 3rd time. I go back to the original place most of the time for coffee now.

Problem is...consistency. Every McDonalds makes it different. I even had one that was almost transparent (like water). I wish it came premade and they just dispense it into a cup.

Bottom Line: Bod Dop Bop Bop Bommmm....I'm Likin' It?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Space Helmets with lights...inside?

Ok, I know it might look cool and all (most of the time it really doesn't look cool), but a helmet with a light on the inside shining at your face?

That's just dumb. All you're going to see is a reflection of your own face in the visor, if you can see past the LIGHTS SHINING IN YOUR EYES!!!...WTF!?

I know...we have to see your 20 million dollar actors face...but it's just rediculous.

Bottom line...the design is dumb.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Supermarket Deli Case...

Have you seen those cases in grocery stores where you can get what looks like pretty good food?

It does 'look' good at first glance, but upon closer examination, most of the food in those open refrigerated cases has glazed over with a nasty thick coating and has absorbed most of the flavors of the other uncovered foods in the case.

Most of that food isn't cheap either, I think they should have to cover each individual container.

The worst part, when you order something they stir in the nasty thick layer that has formed on top with the rest and then serve you...WTF!?

Bottom line: I don't want chicken salad that tastes like olives, tuna salad and shrimp.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Ok, ShamWow, we've all seen this by now, it's sweeping the nation, blah, blah, blah.

I think the commercials are ridiculous, but not just because the guy is an idiot, it's mainly because of the error in the commercial that exposes the fact that a ShamWow can't absorb as much as they claim.
Here's the part that cracks me up every time.

Top image has a piece of carpet placed on an obvious puddle after pouring a ton of liquid on it.

Bottom image, they cut to a more distant shot, the puddle is gone and then he can easily wipe the small amount of liquid that is there.

You know the product is crap if you buy 1 and they give you 20 free...WTF!

Bottom line...quit spilling crap!


OK, let me start out by saying "I really like the AppStore!" I like looking through the store to see the latest apps.

But, here's where I have a problem.

Searching through the appstore you can see some of the highest rated apps, for example a fart sound fx app. I think it's great if you can make an app like that and sell tons, I really do think it's awesome.

But, here come the followers who have no original ideas so they copy an idea that has done well. Normally that's not a problem if you are going to improve it, but after an app like that has sold a lot, do you really think people will want more fart sounds? These copycat app developers think they'll hit it big by copying a successful novelty app, one of these type of apps is plenty. It's not like they are really improving this type of app. I think you have to be the one who does it first! It does well because it's new and people are curious.

How about you try something different, something that maybe hasn't been done yet...WTF!

Bottom line, the AppStore is a great outlet for creativity, quit copying!